Joining the Dots is your go-to source for personal and professional development. I created this business after 16 years employing staff in the dairy industry, working in hospitality and as a rural professional; I have a passion for helping others reach their potential, and want to help give employers key skills in employment which will assist in making the dairy industry an attractive industry to succeed in.
HBDI personality testing is targeted towards everyone, to learn your WHY and how to communicate effectively with your staff directed at their personalities. It helps identify how people operate under stress, how to advertise for different personality types to get a balanced team and cohesiveness in the work environment. I am so excited to start working with people
Assisting in personalised CV writing for staff is not just that, it is helping them to identify their values, visions and goals. How to look for a job that appeals to their values and assists in interview preparation. Quite often we can have between 30-70 people applying for jobs and only about 10 CV's. Let's educate that next generation of farmers.
Standard Operating Procedures are an awesome way of empowering and trusting staff. It provides a sense of insurance for your business, aids in training staff and creating uniformity and efficiencies across your day-to-day running of your business.
My Story
My husband and I have our energetic boys who keep us busy. We are equity partners on a Dairy Farm just out of Te Awamutu with 380 beautiful grass munching cows. I am fortunate to have experienced many different aspects of farming – Equity Managers, Managing, Lower-Order Sharemilking, Leasing, 50/50 Sharemilking now Equity Partners while Contract Milking the partnership.
We pride ourselves on working hard and forever challenging our systems and ourselves to get the best results. In 2019 we won Southland/South Otago Sharefarmer of the year for Dairy Industry Awards, which was a culmination of years of working hard in our

business, personal development and working on our business and ourselves. Sometimes we as business owners in the dairy industry get caught up on the day-to-day running of our business, but the true magic happens when we take time to work on our business and ourselves.
I have a high work ethic and believe the devil is in the detail, I'm also passionate and hold myself with integrity. I can promise that I will give my all to you, get to know you as a person, your business - what are your goals, what do you want to achieve from working with myself? Equally so, it is about what you can give to the process as well, with transparency, a willingness to learn and application of the learnings this is where the magic truly begins.