Operational Reports
An Operational Report to use in your Team Meetings! This document has been created by farmers for farmers to assist in;​
Shaping team meetings,
Knowledge gathering with staff,
Recording all the important information in one location,
Writing management reports for equity partners, absent owners, board meetings, corporate farming groups.
This bad-boy provides you with all the goods, covering the below along with a comments section for each section;
Staff Present & Absent section, Meeting location.
Stock Reconciliation: Cows in Milk, Cows in Vat, Penicillin Mob, Young Stock, Dry Cows/Bulls, Deaths
Total Area: Dairy Platform, Silage/Hay, In Crop, Re-grassed, Total Effective Ha, Stocking Rate
Milk Production: KgMS/Day, KgMS/Cow/Day, KgMS to date, Target to date, SCC, Milking Regime, Animal Health - Penicillin Mob (Mastitis, Lame, Other)
Pasture & Feed: Farm Cover, Growth Rate, Rotation Length, Pre-Grazing Cover, Risiduals, Area Offered, Grass Offered, Supplements put in, Total Feed (Kg/DM)
Fertilister: Rate, Date, Paddock Numbers, Total Hectares
Effluent: Paddocks Applied, Application Rate
Farm Maintenance: 8 lines for Farm Maintenance with a "staff action" column.
Training & Bookwork: For AgITO dates, Pay, First Aid courses, etc.
Health & Safety: Health & Safety issues on farm that need to be addressed.
General Comments:
Staff Signatures: This is so that all staff present are acknowledging the information is correct.
I hope you enjoy this Operational Report as much as we do!​