Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI)

The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument® is the world’s leading Thinking Styles assessment tool. It is backed by over 40 years of brain-based global research and scientific validation. Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument is a whole brain thinking assessment that shows your;
Thinking preferences.
Flow of thinking.
Where you go under stress.
Full Awareness of your communication techniques.
True understanding of why certain things ignite you.

This tool is used by over 3million diverse people world wide and it can be used to create great team culture, optimising leadership, maximising team communication and performance, recruitment, conflict management, product design, marketing campaigns, diversity and inclusion.

The HBDI® is a preference-based instrument developed from an understanding of neuroscience. It provides a validated positive and inclusive way to identify our thinking preferences without pigeonholing or non-productive labelling, as it fosters a positive psychology approach.

The benefits of the HBDI® and Whole Brain® Thinking is that it enables us to stretch our thinking. Our suite of application learning modules provide an ongoing journey that reinforces the learning and creates greater ROI for individuals, pairs, teams and entire organisations